Saturday, January 3, 2009


So Ive been meaning to write about this for awhile, but have spaced on it many times, and here it goes.
Its a topic that I find extremely interesting, and I dont remember where i first heard it, but the sentence, "you are made of recycled atoms" always stuck with me.
It makes complete sense, just think about it. While your mother is pregnant with you, the atoms that make up the molecules that make up you dont just come from anywhere, they come from what she consumes throughout your creation process. If she eats chow-mein, that food is broken down, the molecules are re-calibrated, and form into what is soon to be you. If you ask your mom what she ate when she was pregnant with you, youll find out where your atoms came from thereby letting you know what food your body is made out of. Where it gets interesting is if she eats the meat of another animal, the proteins and amino acids of that cow she just ate are broken down and make up a portion of your left knee cap lets say. All the atoms that were contained in the burger are now being recycled through the various chemical processes that go into creating a human being. I figure Im mostly frozen dinners and Jewish food, with a little bit of weed and ice cream thrown in.
"You are what you eat" gets it part of the way, but you really are what your mom ate.
Weird right?

So what are you made of?

1 comment:

  1. im taco bell-tostadas
    and vanilla ice cream :)

    but the term "recycled atoms" i had heard comes from the death and reproduction of molecules. and so what we once were has changed.

    So Chris, when you eat a cow
    the chemicals its brain injected into the blood stream "depression, fear, anxiety become you.
    Eat leaves!, or at least stupid blissful animals (Ive seen cows cry, its sad).
    I think if meat didn't disgust me now, Colbie Beef might be an option.
