Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Hey Bob.

Yeah Carl?

How are we going to get rid of all this garbage on our street?

Hm, thats a tough one.

Maybe, some form of giant truck type thing?

Hey yeah that could work.

But wait, its going to need to pull over all the time, that could be hazordous to other drivers.

Mm, your right. Well what if we just did it when no one is on the road?

Hey thats a great idea! Right around 6 am should do the trick.

And seeing how no one is on the road when were driving it around, well have to make sure to put screechingly loud beeping devices all over it so no one gets hurt, just in case they didnt notice a 20 foot tall 80 ton truck with an engine the size of your house and a giant metal arm sticking off the top.

Oh and we definitely have to make sure the beepers are way way louder than the truck itself, otherwise they would never notice we were there and could get completely crushed by our incredibly slow moving metal arm.


The only possible reason those stupid beepers could be a good idea is to wake everyone up who might have possibly forgotten to put the garbage out the night before so they can make it out just in time.

That's not what they're for.



  2. oh i do agree. but if there is any benefit to the late night/early morning garbage trucks it's that if you're still awake and outside you're likely drunk enough to convince them to let you operate the machine. and that's kind of fun.

    when i was a tour guide, the garbage trucks would run down stockton st at 6PM (they still do) right during rush hour. 6 in the fucking evening! and we'd get stuck on stockton st for 30 minutes out of the 90 minute tour. needless to say, i had a lot of chinatown material...
